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New Online Consultation Platform called Anima from 4th December 2024

We are pleased to announce an update to the way our patients will request appointments and keep up-to date with their medical records. We have introduced a new system called, Anima.

Anima is a healthcare platform that helps organisations improve patient care. It allows patients to request GP appointments, track their requests, messages from the practice and more.

To login please click here: Anima

Child health

  • Rashes in babies and children

    Many things can cause a rash in babies and children, and they’re often nothing to worry about.

    The NHS provide support for identifying some of the common rashes in babies and children.

    NHS: Rashes in babies and children

  • NHS vaccinations and when to have them

    It’s important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection. Check the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by and contact your GP.

    NHS vaccinations and when to have them

  • Start for Life

    Trusted NHS help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

    Start for Life

  • Essex Child Health App

    The Essex Child Health App is a free resource to help you look after your child. Developed by healthcare workers across Essex, it provides self-care and advice to parents and guardians of children aged 0-11. Download from the App store or Google Play.

    For further information on the Essex Child Health App, please click on the website link below.


  • Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service

    On behalf of Essex County Council and the NHS, Virgin Care and Barnardo’s provide a range of child and family services throughout Essex that are free at the point of delivery.


  • Mid and North East Essex Mind

    Mid and North East Essex Mind run a service for children and young people between the ages of 10 and 19 across Mid and North East Essex.

    01206 764600


  • Abuse

    Are you worried an adult or child may be at risk of abuse or neglect?

    0345 603 7627 (Child)

    0345 603 7630 (Adult)
